October 2019

Tips & tricks for the settling-in period

How to prepare your baby in the best way for their first days at the daycare?

Advices for 3 to 18 months infants


The settling-in period, as we call the first weeks in our Babilou daycares, is a curious time for parents and children. During the adaptation time, you will both discover many new situations. It may be one of the first times you will entrust a professional with your child. Babies often associate separation with insecurity and loss, making the first days in a nursery particular:

To help you integrate your new Babilou daycare, our pedagogical team gathered the best tips and tricks!maman bébé heureux




  1. First, children feed off of adult emotions. Bring positivity and smiles, especially when you talk about the daycare, the evening before and when you are on your way with them. It helps the baby feel safe and secure.
  2. You could schedule some separation moments before your child begins daycare. For both of you, it could be important to have some separated times and getting used to be apart. You can ask your family or trusted friends to help you with this.
  3. Do not hesitate to talk to your child. Your tone of voice and reassurance will make a difference even if infants cannot understand your words yet. Added bonus: hearing a wide diversity of words also helps them develop a more varied vocabulary when they will start talking.
  4. Encourage your child to bring a transitional object with them. It could be a stuffed animal, a blanket or a shirt that smells like you. Young children are often reassured by their parents’ smell.
  5. Always say a clear good-bye to your child and let them know when you will be back. You could reinforce the communication by smiling to them and making a particular gesture or noise.

The Educator’s Tip:During your initial interview and after, dare ask all your questions and say your concerns. The more your trust level in the primary care giver is high, the more your children is reassured.” Aline, educator in our Rolle daycare.

To learn more about our policy in the process of welcoming families, read our Babilou Experience.

At this age, children particularly need to be reassured, it’s our educational team’s job to encourage them by offering a stable environment.

bébé enroulé dans un couverture

Communication is key

If you have any doubts or worries, you can always contact and talk to our team of professionals. The educators remain available to guide parents during this first period of separation. They are there to help you understand just how your child’s day at the daycare will go, what they will do, how they might react when you leave. Feel free to ask questions at any time.

Here, you can learn more on how we are guaranteeing your children physical and emotional safety in our daycares.

Remember the tips and tricks:

  1. Children feed off of adult emotions: bring them positivity and smiles.
  2. Schedule some separation moments before your child begins daycare.
  3. Talk to your child, your tone of voice and reassurance will make the difference.
  4. Encourage your child to bring a transitional object with them.
  5. Always say a clear good-bye to your child and let them know when you will be back.